Barry Hayward's Table Tennis Library

An Illustrated Bibliography of Table Tennis Books in the English Language

Barry Hayward’s Table Tennis Bibliography

Barry Hayward’s Table Tennis Bibliography

Updated to 30th June 2023

Please enjoy this bibliography and reference work. I would be delighted to hear your comments via my Email address as shown on the ‘Contact‘ page.

You can navigate through the website by clicking from page to page using the ‘hot-spot’ references at the top of each page and if you are interested in the Books section, you can hover over the ‘All Books’ and move down to the particular era that suits you best. If you are on a book that you wish to know more about you can press the ‘read more’ button and access further information. Should you be using a tablet or a desk top computer with a smaller screen, you may find that the hovering technique does not work, but you can get the same effect by pressing the arrow in the grey cell opposite the ‘All Books’ category.

Should you want to know if that Author has written other books you can select their name from the list on the Author/Date section, and their books will appear, Similarly, you can select a year from the list on the right, and a list (and pictures) of all books published in that year will appear.

My old Website was a little outdated, and when I changed to a more modern computer I had a few months of deliberating on a replacement Site and with the offer of guidance and help from Richard Jarvis, then this current site is the result. Richard I owe you lots, for the advice, expertise and enthusiasm you have shown in setting up this Site.

If you want your book to be listed in this bibliography, please send full details to me, or better still, send me a copy of the book.

I cannot guarantee the book will be included, but if the book falls within the criteria specified in the ‘Introduction’, then the likelihood is that it will be shown at the next update.

If you want to contact me you can use the ‘Contact Us‘ button and Email me.

I have been asked many times if I would consider selling the collection, and the answer is ‘Yes I would’, but the offer would have to be fairly substantial.


You might be aware that during the Covid pandemic, Table Tennis Scotland held a fortnightly Zoom Platform whereby David Fairholm (the former English National Coach and now the semi retired Scottish National Coach) interviews TT people, and so far in this series the victims have been guests like Des Douglas, Jill Hammersley, Colin Wilson, Don Parker Peter Charters and now myself to talk about my Book Collection. If you wish you can access U tube through the Table Tennis Scotland Website to see any of these interviews.

When I discover new publications, or on the rare occasions I find an additional book not shown in the existing lists, I will detail all newer entries on this page so that you can peruse these recent additions at your leisure.
If you want to access these newer additions quickly, just click on the titles below.

I have included several books on the history of particular local Associations such as Guildford, Burton, Harrogate, Liverpool and Bromsgrove. There must be many others. Can you help?

You will no doubt be aware of the modern trend to publish your own book at reasonable rates using the Amazon publishing facilities. This is a welcome service and can yield very good results. Unfortunately, it can also lead to some absolute drivel being published, with a minimum of effort, and in some cases copying existing already published material that has already appeared in other respected books, or internet articles or blogs. I can only urge you to buy books that are written by recognised coaches and players that are suitably qualified. See my warning notes on Book No.388.